zero interest loans event TJP article 2024.0320

Zero Interest Loans: Zeroes Are Heroes Event 2024

The Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association will salute another year of providing a hand up, not a handout. The 2024 Zeroes Are Heroes event, honoring its donors and sharing those whose lives have been enhanced by their support with zero interest loans. The event, which begins at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3, is open to the public and free of charge but RSVPs are required to receive location information.

“In the last year, we had a 35% increase in applications, and we’ve been able to meet those that qualify because of our 100% repayment rate,” said Jane Larkin, DHFLA’s executive director. “Our donors and guarantors provide for the zero interest loans; but without our responsible and reliable borrowers following through, we couldn’t keep going. We are proud of them.

“The success of our Angel Initiative, which allows for one guarantor in many cases, is a lifeline,” added Larkin. “We’re strengthening our efforts and thrilled with every successful loan. We don’t want our money sitting in the bank.”

June will mark 89 years since DHFLA began with a $132 pledge; last year, more than $408,000 in zero interest loans was provided. In addition, a $133,000 loan was sponsored through a partnership with the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation to Ogen Israel Free Loan Association to support individuals and families impacted by the atrocities of, and since, Oct. 7.

DHFLA provides zero interest loans to those in 23 counties needing assistance for adoption and fertility treatments, emergencies and general needs, health care, higher education, Jewish experiences, small businesses, and special needs.

“This has been another amazing year in which we exceeded our goal in donations and our ability to provide,” said Michael Radoff, DHFLA’s board chair. “Jane builds us up, our board members sustain us and we’re always looking for, and appreciative of, contributors to our mission and those who serve as guarantors. The collaboration to help others is special.”

One of DHFLA’s core principles for nearly a century is rooted in gemilut chasadim, giving of loving kindness. The organization provides hope, peace of mind and relief for borrowers to meet life’s challenges with dignity.

To RSVP for the April 3 event and to receive location information, contact DHFLA.

Continue to read the full article on the Texas Jewish Post.

Photo: Courtesy Elena Stein.
From left, grandfather Khaim, Elena, Aleks and Tatyana Kuperman at the Aaron Family JCC in 1997. In the J’s parking lot, three years after she and her parents emigrated from Belarus, Elena received a $1,000 no-interest loan for her studies at The University of Texas at Dallas.

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