DHFLA Annual Report 2023 Jewish community hero

Year In Review: Approaching 90 Better Than Ever

A Message from President Mike Radoff to our Jewish Community

2023 was a stellar year for the Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association (DHFLA). We exceeded our goal of gifts and grants, raising nearly $197,000, for which we are eternally grateful. Many thanks to our donors, board members, and volunteers for your support. Demand for loans was up by 35% this year. All funds raised will enable us to meet this increased need in the Jewish community.

DHFLA Annual Report 2023 Jewish community infographic

With over one million dollars in loans outstanding, DHFLA continues to support the Greater North Texas Jewish Community by providing no interest loans to pay core living expenses, underwrite educational costs, support small businesses, cover medical treatments, and more. This year, we increased the size of our emergency and special needs loans.

While we have always served the local Jewish community, we recognize that the war against Hamas has affected many Israelis financially. DHFLA, in partnership with the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation, committed over $133,000 via a 5-year loan to Ogen, the Israel Free Loan Association, in support of their Swords of Iron Emergency Economic Relief Fund. The loan from our community is part of an emergency campaign to provide no interest loans to over 1,000 Israeli families facing substantial losses.

Our loan to Ogen could not have come at a better time, with Israel’s economy and its labor force taking a significant hit from the war. As reported by The NY Times on Dec. 25, 2023, the Israeli economy is expected to shrink by 2% this quarter, with hundreds of thousands of workers displaced by the war with Hamas or called up as reservists.

DHFLA Annual Report 2023 Jewish community CTA

As we prepare to celebrate our 90th year in 2025, we’re hopeful that 2024 brings health, happiness, and peace to you and your family.

Mike Radoff, President

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