Donor story Angel Fund

Honoring a Dallas Jewish Community Member’s Memory with a Gift to the Angel Fund

Sheryl Ann Mexic, a joyful participant in social activities at The Five Star Premier Residences of Dallas and social programs at Congregation Shearith Israel, passed away peacefully on January 15, 2021. She was born on February 12, 1958, in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was proficient with computers and started an online travel website. Sheryl loved great food, fancy living and was known for her smile, sense of humor, and love of the New Orleans Saints.

As a member of the Dallas Jewish Community, Sheryl quietly supported Jewish causes in Greater Dallas, including DHFLA, for many years, often through the Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day. She also established a legacy gift to help build a permanent financial base for DHFLA and other Jewish agencies in Dallas. Her bequest to DHFLA helps to ensure that we can respond to the evolving needs of the North Texas Jewish community for generations to come.

Sheryl’s sister, Melanie Mexic Morris, has worked to honor her sister’s generous legacy. Melanie partnered with DHFLA to identify a meaningful way to direct Sheryl’s bequest. After discussing DHFLA’s mission, program initiatives and accomplishments to date with DHFLA President, David Kronick and Director, Jane Larkin, Melanie decided to honor Sheryl’s memory by designating the gift to the Angel Fund. The Angel Fund allows us to make no interest loans to qualified applicants of the Dallas Jewish community who need an additional or local guarantor. Melanie believed it would make Sheryl happy to know that she was the reason individuals in need were able to receive the hand-up they deserve.

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