tribute bank dallas jewish community dhfla

Start a Tribute Bank and Send Tributes with Ease

Celebrating a special occasion or honoring a loved one’s memory has never been more convenient with a Tribute Bank.

Tribute Banks make it easy to recognize a special occasion, celebrate a loved one’s achievement, or honor the memory of those you care about.

With an annual donation of $180 or more, you can effortlessly establish a Tribute Bank that you can use to send tributes.

Your annual gift is not only a heartfelt gesture but is also tax-deductible. This way, you can support the mission of Dallas Hebrew Free Loan while recognizing those who mean the most to you.

To set up a Tribute Bank:

  • Donate $180 or more to establish your tribute bank.
  • During the following 12 months, when you have a tribute to send, email DHFLA with the person’s name to honor or remember and the individual’s name, address, and email to notify.
  • DHFLA will send the notifications each time you ask us to do so.

*A minimum gift of $180 is required to establish.
+Tribute Banks are valid for 12 months from the date of the initial gift. They must be replenished annually to remain valid.

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