Higher Education Loans
The affordable way to underwrite your undergraduate and graduate studies as you pursue your career dreams.
Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association provides interest-free loans up to $4,000 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters for college and graduate school expenses (excluding fraternity or sorority fees). Students may borrow up to $32,000 over the course of their studies.
Term: Loans are made in $4,000 installments for a maximum of eight semesters. The total amount borrowed cannot exceed $32,000.
Loans payments in monthly installments of $95 begin the month following loan origination (initial disbursement). Monthly payments remain $95 until six months following graduation or withdrawal from school.
Six months after graduation or withdrawal from school, monthly payments increase to $300 or 1/72nd of the remaining loan balance.
- You must meet DHFLA’s general requirements (see below).
- The student borrower must be Jewish.
- You must submit a completed loan application, ACH form and a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID.
- All guarantors must submit a completed guaranty agreement, information release form and a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID.
- Student loan recipients must maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA to remain eligible for additional loan advancements.
- Provide a copy of your FAFSA Student Aid Report, official class schedule and tuition statement.
- Obtain two qualified guarantors, one of which lives in DHFLA’s lending area.
- Parents of applicant can serve as one guarantor. One non-parental guarantor is required.
- Guarantors cannot live at the same address (parents and spouses are exempt from this clause).
- Local clergy cannot serve as guarantors, unless the applicant is their own child and they are acting in their role as parent.
If you are concerned about meeting the guarantor requirement for higher education loans, please contact us at 469-206-1639 to discuss the circumstances. We’re here to help, and we may be able to make exceptions to certain requirements.
To receive subsequent loan disbursements, students must provide by January 15th for spring semesters and August 15th for fall semesters the following:
- Proof of 2.50 or higher GPA – previous semester grade report is acceptable.
- Tuition statement for upcoming semester.
- Class schedule for upcoming semester.


To qualify for a loan, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements. Some loan types have additional qualifying criteria. Visit the loan page for the program for which you want to apply for details on what is required to be considered for a specific type of loan.
- Be a member of the Jewish community.
- Reside for at least six months in Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Montague, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell or Wise Counties, or any other county in North Central or East Texas that includes Longview, Texarkana, Tyler, Waco or Wichita Falls.
- Be 18 years-old or older, unless otherwise noted.
- Demonstrate need.
- Show creditworthiness.
- Cannot have an outstanding DHFLA loan.
- Cannot be serving as a guarantor on a current DHFLA loan.
- Have two creditworthy guarantors, unless otherwise noted.
- Provide a valid government-issued photo ID.

- Identify which loan type meets your needs. If you’re unsure, contact the Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association office: 469-206-1639 or admin@dhfla.org.
- Complete the appropriate loan application and submit with our online form, by email to admin@dhfla.org or by mail.
- Obtain guarantors and ask them to complete and submit the guarantor paperwork to admin@dhfla.org.
- If you are a qualified applicant, you will be contacted to schedule a loan interview by Zoom with members of the DHFLA loan committee. You may be asked to submit additional information.
- A loan decision will be communicated to you by the loan officer following the interview.
- If approved, funds will be disbursed following communication of the credit decision.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 671235
Dallas, TX 75367-1235
Physical Address:
5402 Arapaho Rd
Dallas, TX 75248
Hours: Monday–Friday, 10 am – 6 pm
Phone: 469-206-1639
What We Do
Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association (DHFLA) provides interest-free loans to members of the Jewish communities in Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Fannin, Grayson, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Montague, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell and Wise Counties, and any other county inclusive of Wichita Falls, Texarkana, Tyler, Waco and Longview, Texas.
Member of the International Association of Jewish Free Loans (IAJFL). We are a nonprofit 501c3.